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We offer SOAR and Advantage to help you acclimate to the Northwest campus before you arrive for the fall semester.



什么是SOAR ??

SOAR is a one-day introduction to campus life for students in June and July. 它可以帮助学生了解他们的同龄人, 学校办公室, 以及可用的服务, 以及获取他们的课程表. 它包括一整天(8小时).m. - 4 p.m.),包括: 

  • 连接其他新的和现有的熊. 
  • A 学生服务展览会 will be held to connect with offices and departments across campus. 
  • Meet with an academic advisor and get your first-semester schedule. 
  • 处理学校其他必要事务. 



SOAR注册将于3月1日开始st 每个日历年. SOAR日期在下面的标签中列出. 您可以通过以下方式注册: 

  1. 去CatPAWS 
  2. 单击:登录/进入安全区域 
  3. 输入您的西北网络帐户用户名(s#)和密码. 
  4. 导航到方向选项卡. (If you do not see the orientation tab, there is a green arrow you can select to view more options.) 
  5. 选择“点击这里进入定向系统”.” 

注册SOAR大约需要15分钟. It is important the Northwest student is present during the registration process. 学生将被问及注册偏好, 个人信息确认, 与双学分课程等相关的学术信息. 

完成入职登记后, the student will receive a confirmation email explaining their date selection and information regarding their SOAR Day.  

熊猫提示: 请不要使用你的高中电子邮件地址(domain@highschool.edu). 在大多数情况下, the high school e-mail address will be inactivated once the student graduate’s high school. 

我可以选择哪一天去翱翔呢? What if I cannot attend a SOAR Day due to extenuating circumstances? 我需要改变我的翱翔日.

2024 SOAR日期



  • 6月4日星期二
  • 6月5日星期三
  • 6月7日星期五
  • 6月11日星期二
  • 6月12日星期三
  • 6月14日星期五
  • 6月15日星期六


  • 7月26日星期五
  • 7月27日星期六

6月和7月提供“翱翔日”. Early registration is encouraged to get the optimal date for the student and their support system. When registering for SOAR and an alternate date is needed (and the date is 关闭d), please contact the 学生成功中心 to assist with accommodating your preferences.

学生成功中心: 660.562.1695

强烈建议学生参与SOAR. SOAR allows students to start forming connections with other future 熊猫s. 然而,迎新团队意识到生活总会发生. If you are unable to attend SOAR in-person, an online orientation is available.

如果学生需要改变他们的翱翔日在任何时候, they can access the orientation system 通过 CatPAWS and select a different day.

熊猫提示:  SOAR是熊狸们见到未来室友的好日子! 


  • 如果有任何问题.
  • 学生可以带上他们的 健康史表格 飙升.
  • 适合天气的服装.
  • 威尼斯人在线鼓励学生将他们的支持系统带到我校. 的 students’ support system has an opportunity to participate in the SOAR experience. 



Time 活动

8 a.m. ——中午

  • 办理登机手续
  • 学生服务展览会
  • 欢迎发言及今日总结
  • 教师的成功秘诀
  • 大学生活介绍
  • 财务及帐单展示
  • 咨询和注册概述
  • 见见SOAR的领导
  • 父母问&A


  • 午餐

1-3 p.m.

  • 学术深思熟虑
  • 宿舍浏览
  • 校园办公室

*以上的SOAR时间表是暂定的,可能会有所调整. 的 final SOAR schedule will be included in your SOAR confirmation packet and upon check-in on your SOAR day.


Students who attend SOAR can meet people from campus organizations and offices to connect and gain information before move-in day.

  • 资讯科技(IT)
  • 大学警察局(UPD)
  • 学生成功中心(SSC)
  • 大学研讨会
  • 图书馆
  • 玛丽维尔市
  • 出国留学
  • 三人组
  • 学生帐户服务
  • 给我看金子
  • 学生就业
  • 职业服务
  • 住宅生活
  • 美国银行
  • 可访问性 & 住宿
  • 健康
  • 校园娱乐
  • 多样性 & 包容
  • 学生参与办公室
  • 学生活动委员会
  • OSI:回家
  • OSI:友爱 & 女生联谊会的生活
  • 学生媒体
  • 荣誉
  • 细 & 表演艺术
  • 校园部门


One item you need to complete before SOAR is the Directed Self Placement (DSP). This survey allows you to choose which English class you would prefer to take based on your strengths. Choosing your English course allows us to create your class schedule, 所以在SOAR之前把它处理好很重要. 


  • 登录到 CatPAWS.
  • Under the 取向 tab, click "Click here for writing self-placement."

You can also find your personalized pre-orientation checklist in CatPAWS by selecting the orientation tab and entering the orientation system.







Advantage is a continuation of orientation and serves as your kick-off to college. This four day program in August helps students to get acclimated to campus 通过 speakers and events to help with the transition to campus life. 这是一个受欢迎的项目,包括:

  • 入学的一天.
  • Four days of getting settled, meeting other new 熊猫s and enjoying fun activities.
  • 参加大学研讨会.


优点是在星期四到星期天上课之前. Attendance is mandatory for both commuters and on-campus residents. 今年的Advantage日期是:


周四,8月. 22
星期日,8月. 25





Students will move in according to alphabetical order by last name. You will also receive information in late summer about moving in, including a map that tells you how to drive into campus and where to drop off your stuff. We even have the Cat Crew to meet you and lend a hand when you need it.

入住日时间表 & Map


Advantage计划 将在网上公布, but you can receive your Advantage packet when you check in to your residential hall. 如果你是一个通勤学生, you can pick up your Advantage packet at the 学生成功中心 in the B.D. 欧文斯图书馆 周四, or your packet can be delivered to you during your first 大学研讨会 class that takes place on Friday.

I am a commuter student (living off-campus); do I still need to attend Advantage?

是的,所有新生都需要Advantage. You will receive more information 通过 your Northwest email account.


Yes, 大学研讨会 class meets several times during Advantage, beginning Friday. 大学研讨会 starts before your other classes because it helps get you acclimated to campus. Your 大学研讨会 Instructor and Peer Advisor (an upper-class student who is a teaching assistant) can act as your guides 通过 those first days and weeks on campus, 更好的是, 你很快就有了一群新朋友.


通常情况下,你的家人会帮助你入住并安顿下来. However, if they have a long way to drive, your family may want to make reservations at a 酒店 那天晚上在玛丽维尔. You will be so busy with activities 通过out Advantage that you probably won't have a lot of time to spend with them. 在你意识到之前,就该回家探望了.


It's important for freshmen to attend Advantage, particularly since classes start that weekend. If you think you need to miss any part of Advantage, please email the 学生成功中心.

学生成功中心: studentsuccess@hadeslo.com


It is important to check your personal and Northwest email regularly before classes begin. 你的学术顾问会通过电子邮件与你联系, 所以一定要留意他们的信息. If you have any questions about your classes, reach out to your advisor.  If you do not know who your advisor is, you can email the 学生成功中心 at studentsuccess@hadeslo.com or 660.562.1695 他们会帮你联系你的导师. 


If you have any questions about Advantage or the beginning of the semester, 不要犹豫,联系学生成功中心 studentsuccess@hadeslo.com or 660.562.1695.
